A downloadable gallery for Windows and macOS

... art speaks in space. Stepping backwards to take something in, or moving forwards to get a better look, are both automatic, unthinking responses to a work of art's scale.

- Ben Street, How to Enjoy Art

Scale is intrinsic to art, yet it's hard to experience when viewed on a computer.

This experiment attempts to address that.

Experience art through movement

A Gallery of Your Own allows you to explore a universe of 171,000 works of public domain art in a continuous gallery space.


Each artwork is sized to its original physical dimensions, accurately conveying the sense of scale originally intended by the artist.

This part of your gallery is called the temporary exhibition, and it's like a lens into the world of art. You can also create new temporary exhibitions that apply filters to find the kind of art you're looking for.

Curate your own gallery

When you find something in the temporary exhibition that you like, you can move art to your permanent collection and place it however you like.

Invite your friends

The gallery is multiplayer, so you can invite your friends to explore and curate together.

Learn more

For more details, see the FAQ.


gallery-windows.zip 43 MB
Version 14 60 days ago
gallery-macos-universal.zip 70 MB
Version 13 60 days ago

Install instructions

Currently, the gallery isn't digitally signed. This means it will show up as being from an "Unknown publisher".

On Windows, running such programs isn't that hard--typically you're just shown a modal and click an "OK" or "Run anyways" button.

On MacOS, it's more involved, especially with the advent of Sequoia. For more details on how to run the app there, see this post.

Alternatively, you can install the Itch App, and install the gallery through that.  I think it has ways of bypassing the unknown publisher issues, and it also automatically updates the app whenever I make improvements, which is convenient.

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